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Blood Pressure Formula (Qing Nao Jiang Ya) : S100 : OS

A dietary supplement that specially formulated for optimal support to help maintain healthy blood pressure.

Functions and indications: Calming the liver and subdue yang, clearing brain and lowering the blood pressure. Use for high blood pressure symptoms due to ascendant hyperacrivity of liver yang, heavy head and fatigue body, insomnia and poor memory.

Directions As a dietary supplement, take 4-6 tablets each time, three times daily with warm water.

Active ingredients Chinese skullcap root, Dong Quai root, Japanese Sophora flower bud, Nacre(concha margaritaferael).

Net Wt 648mg X 24 tablets per box

Warnings Do not use if you are pregnant.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ship USA only

Temporarily Out Of Stock.

S100$14.99, 10/$100.00

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